Minimum Viable Interview Prep: Walking Down Memory Lane (MVIP part 2 of 4)
Learn the 4 high ROI interview prep activities that got 93% of my clients through their first-round interviews at top-tier companies like Google, Airbnb, Microsoft, and Uber.
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In today’s issue, we’ll continue our deep dive into the Minimum Viable Interview Prep (MVIP) system for passing first-round interviews.
Today, I’ll teach you System #2: Walking down memory lane to easily recall past work experiences in detail so you can effortlessly answer behavioral interview questions.
Human memory is not well suited for interviewing
Our memories are not very good at storing high-resolution details on projects from two or three years ago.
Yet, in an interview, the vast majority of interview questions ask about our past experiences.
Interviewers ask us to walk through these past projects with a question prompt like “Tell me about a time when you faced a tight deadline.”
In just a few seconds, we need to be able to:
scan our memories roll-o-dex and select a project that suits the prompt
try to remember what happened on that project
It turns out, there’s a way to quickly recall these stories in high-resolution detail.
I’ll teach you how to hack your brain and bring 3-5 recent, large, complex projects from your memory archives into readily accessible memory.
With this memory hacking system, you’ll be able to:
quickly select the best, recent project from your career arsenal
draw your interviewer into the story with high-resolution details (and data!)
improve your chances of moving on to the next round.
Let’s dive in.
High ROI Activity #2: Walking down Memory Lane
Interviews are like a box of chocolates. You never know what question you’re going to get.
Some candidates take this challenge literally and try to prepare answers to every behavioral question they can dream up. But the reality is that you have no control over what you will be asked.

A secret for successful interview prep: it’s not about remembering everything from the last 30 projects you led over the last 8 years of your career (that’s not even possible).
You can answer any behavioral interview question in high detail if you can recall 3-5 recent, large and complex projects that you drove end to end.
Recent: the last 2-4 years of your career (5 max).
Large in scope (important to the business)
Complex (people, tech, timeline, resources, etc)
Step 1: Identify Projects
First, you need to identify your 3-5 recent, large, complex projects that you drove end to end.

Step 2: Extract Details
For each of these projects, you’ll recall everything about the project, end to end. These starter prompts should help:

Step 3: Write it down
To bring those memories from the archive storage area of your brain you’re going to use an oft-forgotten neurobiology hack: write it down.
Writing with pen (or typing) helps move the details into a more readily accessible memory area so you can recall the memory quickly, effortlessly, and in full detail in your interviews.
Store your notes in a neat easy-to-review format (tables work great). Below is a snapshot from the First Round Ready workbook to inspire you:

Step 4: Refresh as Needed
If your interview process goes for a few months, you can keep these in the accessible memory by reviewing them 24-72hrs before your interview. Don’t cram. 4hrs is a minimum so there’s time for sleep (and the memory benefits that sleep provides).
You’ll be amazed at how many different stories you can tell with just these 3-5 projects in your accessible memory.
🎉 That’s a wrap!
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You now know 2 of the 4 systems for Minimum Viable Interview Prep:
You’re well on your way to efficient, no-burnout interview prep!
I hope that this Minimum Viable Interview Prep series helps you gain focus, avoid burnout, increase your chances of passing your next first-round interview, and move on to the next stage of the hiring process. Good luck! 🍀
Note: If you're interested in this MVIP approach, I created a self-paced course (First Round Ready) and companion interview prep workbooks to streamline your job search and save you time.
The workbook for walking down memory lane is here and all the prompts and tools you need to identify 3-5 ideal projects, unlock the details, move them into accessible memory, and store the information for quick reference before your next interview.
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